Business News

January 25, 2018

How to Find Your Ideal Candidate Abroad

Recently we explored the impact of Brexit on your executive level recruitment. We can’t deny that Brexit is impacting on the recruitment sphere. We can reassure you that whilst the consequences of Brexit are challenging for international recruitment, they aren’t simply a hurdle to leap. Whilst indeed these new hurdles in recruiting the best talent can be scaled, the situation is also presenting new recruitment opportunities. By using the top headhunters in Europe, with an in-depth understanding of Europe-wide recruitment and business, you can be sure of your recruitment success. Your Pool of Candidates Recruitment is much like a triangle. At the bottom, you have a large number of lower skilled positions. These are easy to fill and can be done so by scooping up a large number of available and actively searching candidates. As you move up the triangle, your roles become more important and more strategic. At the same time, your available pool of candidates gets smaller. Once you reach the pinnacle of the triangle, you’re faced with some unique recruitment challenges. At the executive level, not only do you have an exceptionally small pool of candidates, you likely need to look beyond candidates alone. The talent needed […]
December 17, 2017

Headhunters vs. Recruitment Agencies – Which is the Best for Executive Level Jobs?

Executive level jobs are notoriously hard to fill. You may be able to get a wealth of candidates, but finding that one ideal candidate that helps your business to grow, excel and thrive can be a tall order. As such, companies typically turn to headhunters or recruitment agencies for filling their executive level jobs. But which is best? And why?
December 14, 2017

The Definitive Guide to what is a Headhunter

This guide aims to answer all of your questions about headhunting services. We’ll start with answering the question ‘What is a headhunter?’ but move onto specifics about how you can be sure you need one; why headhunters differ from standard recruitment practices; what they actually do to fill your vacancy or find your dream job; and how you can select the best headhunter for your needs. What is a Headhunter? Headhunters are experienced professionals who find the right individuals for your role. They are a recruitment strategist with a difference. In short, every other recruitment modality is about finding candidates. Headhunting is about finding talent. This is a key distinction between a headhunter and other recruitment consultants. In other recruitment techniques, you aim to create a deep and wide pool of candidates by casting your net wide. The hope is that, in so doing, you find that one individual you need. In headhunting, we’re not interested in how big or deep the candidate pool is. We’re far more role and organisation focused. A headhunter will get to know exactly what you need – that unique blend of attributes, skills and talent – and then go and find the small handful […]
December 11, 2017

Can Brexit Impact International Headhunting?

The short answer to the above question is ‘Yes’. Brexit absolutely does have the ability to impact international headhunting and international recruitment. Let’s look at why that is.
November 22, 2017

Is Your Social Media Presence Hurting Your Executive Job Search?

Your social media presence is your online identity. It can make or break your executive job search. Do future employers have the ability to search or read your social media accounts? If they do, what helps and what hinders? A recent study has revealed that an overwhelming 70% of employers now use social media in order to screen job candidates before they offer them a position. That’s up 10% from just one year ago. The trend is rising notably. However, don’t think that you’ll be safe if you just have all of your settings set to private, or actively don’t use social media at all. 57% are less likely to bring a candidate in for interview if they haven’t been able to find them online.
November 10, 2017

Job Interview Tips and Preparing for an Executive Level Interview

Preparing for an executive level interview can’t be approached in the same general way you approached your first graduate interview. You need to be more prepared, less generic, and ready for a different set of challenges and questions. Your skills should be evident already, and evidenced, especially if you’ve been headhunted for the role. As such, what’s really under scrutiny is your leadership style and your ability to bring something new and of value to the company. Furthermore, at the executive level you need to be able to demonstrate actively that you’ll fit the mould in terms of the company culture. We’ve been the fly on the wall to countless executive level interviews: let’s look at some of the most crucial things to know. Before You Leave Home Those who are most successful in interviews have done their homework. This is important at every level. However, when preparing for an executive level interview you need to get a deeper and broader understanding of the company. You need to have looked at any published accounts, you need to understand the company’s industry reputation, have memorised their statistics, and read any recent press releases. If you’ve been headhunted for the role then […]
September 25, 2017

Getting a Headhunter on Board – A Recruiter’s Need to Know

We all get stuck in ruts. We all have our preferred, favoured, or usual way of doing things. And recruitment is no different. If you’ve always advertised jobs on your company website – why change? If you keep that freebie mug on your desk simply because it has your favoured recruitment agency number on it, why call someone else? How do you know when it is time to change the game? How do you know when you should be working with headhunters? The Recruitment Game There tend to be some fairly common scenarios when it comes to a recruitment vacancy. The steps you take tend to be determined based on past experience, the role you’re recruiting for (notably the type and level), and the resources available to you. Recruitment almost certainly isn’t your full time job. In fact, it’s the add-on. It’s the bit that gives you a headache, keeps you worrying about the future, and doesn’t pay. The result is that we tend to turn to the same old techniques. We have a mediocre success rate. The vacancy gets filled. Phew, move on, next task. But herein lies the problem. We’re using the same strategies, whatever the role. We’re […]
September 20, 2017

Steps To Be Headhunted On LinkedIn

The most successful long-term career moves don’t just happen. You may hear tales that your friend was just headhunted, but there’s a lot more action behind the word ‘just’ than they realise. Yes, the most exceptional headhunters have their ear firmly to the ground in your industry. But, they will likely hear about the very best talent through multiple avenues, not least their extraordinary networking skills. One such avenue that can help to raise your profile in to the reach of the networking abilities of a headhunter is your LinkedIn profile. If you want to be headhunted on LinkedIn then read on and take action on the following steps. Give Your Profile Due Attention The vast majority of us quickly whipped up our LinkedIn profile late one evening when the number of badgering requests to join got too much. Chances are it has grown and adapted in a rather piecemeal fashion since then. If you want to be headhunted on LinkedIn then you need to get your profile into concise, clear, and presentable order. You need to take in to considerations some key points: Is it factually correct without any errors, time gaps, or ambiguities? Does your LinkedIn profile accurately […]