Business News

July 27, 2022

Complete Guide on Connecting with Executive Search Firms, London

Executive search firms in London are favoured by companies for senior and executive level talent because they go far beyond standard recruitment practices to deliver ideal placements. With international connections, employers choose executive search firms in London as leaders in their field. However, as an executive or senior leader, did you know that’s it’s important to have positive relationships with executive search firms, even when you aren’t actively looking for a new job? Here we look at why it’s important for executives to nurture and develop positive relationships with leading executive search firms in London, and, importantly, uncover how you can do this. Why do I need a relationship with a London executive search firm? It used to be that it was almost frowned upon for executives themselves to directly court executive search firms. It was believed that the relationship should be firmly agency led and not vice versa. However, in the current climate, that is a sure fire way to miss out on opportunities now and in the future. You need to keep these relationships warm so that when you are ready for a new role, the leg work has been done.     Additionally, the advice and guidance […]
June 6, 2022

Hiring for Non-Executive Director Jobs – A Guide for Employers

Finding non-executive director jobs isn’t as easy as loading up a job board and whizzing off a job listing. These are unique roles, requiring illusive individuals, and if you’re after non-executive director jobs then you need to be in the know in order to secure the right candidates. Here we look at how you can find candidates for non-executive jobs. What are non-executive director jobs? Before we start looking at how to find candidates for non-executive director jobs, it’s essential that you understand truly what a non-executive director is and what they do. A non-executive director sits on the company’s board of directors. However, unlike an executive director, they are not an employee of the company. They don’t, generally, get involved in the minutiae of running the organisation on a day to day operational basis. Instead, the non-executive director is there to lend specialist skills, particularly within strategy, planning, performance and risk. It is useful to think of a non-executive director as a specialist independent advisor. They may be involved in policy making, but they won’t be involved in policy implementation. It’s not uncommon for a non-executive director to largely occupy the role for public relations reasons. They may also […]
May 18, 2022

Sales Director Recruitment Agencies vs. Headhunters: Understanding the Difference

A sales director occupies a pivotal role in an organisation. They work in a high-pressured environment, and largely drive the success of the business. As such, it’s essential that businesses are confident that they can recruit skilled and experienced candidates to the role. The first hurdle is deciding between sales director recruitment agencies and dedicated headhunters. Here we look at why the sales director role requires a unique and strategic approach to recruitment. We specifically look at what sales director recruitment agencies do and how this compares with the process of a dedicated headhunter. Lastly, we address which are best for getting the best candidate into the role efficiently and committed to making business success in the future. Why is the sales director role tricky to hire for? The sales director role, like all board level roles, is strategically important. The individual in this role is responsible for driving sales for the business. Being on the ‘front line’ of the business, with also an important placing on the board, it takes a diverse blend of skills, acumen and experience. The best sales director is both energised and enthusiastic, a natural networker, but also a planner and a strategist. They need […]
May 18, 2022

Examining the Benefits of Hybrid Working in the Modern Workplace

The pandemic forced us into untold hours working from home. On the back of many organisations firmly believing that working remotely for large portions of time was detrimental to their success, many were pleasantly surprised by their ability to succeed with this model, despite the crisis nature of its birth. However, there have been difficulties with the solely working from home model, and as such hybrid working – a mixture of office working and remote working – has emerged as the victor. Here we look at the benefits of hybrid working and why we strongly believe that hybrid working is therefore the best model for most modern office-based workplaces. The benefits of hybrid working Bear in mind that our route to hybrid working on such a large scale was experimental, forced because of the circumstances of lockdowns and pandemic safety. The benefits of hybrid working are expanded through it being an intentional and planned approach, rather than a make-do situation borne of necessity. We see that the benefits of hybrid working fall into three broad types: benefits to the individual employee; benefits to the employer, and; benefits to wider society. Here we look at all three. Benefits of hybrid working […]
March 24, 2022

A Complete Guide to Appointing a Director

March 24, 2022

8 Types of Organisational Culture for Businesses in 2022

July 16, 2021

How to Find and Hire Your Next Financial Director Using a Headhunter

The financial director, or CFO, plays a pivotal role in the business. Indeed, many would argue that it’s the relationship between the CEO and the financial director that determines the ethos, drive and success of the business. It’s the financial director’s skills and approach that shifts directorship from high-level planning into revenue profit, and indeed, growth. The role of the financial director The role of the financial director is tasked with overseeing the production of all financial documentation for the business including consolidated and corporate accounts, internal audits and financial investment reports. They are the decision makers when it comes to the full plethora of financial transactions, budgets and planning that are at the heart of the business’s functionality. They are strategically crucial, contributing to the direction and management of the entire organisation. Financial directors are, crucially, often the primary connection and relationship with shareholders and investors. A financial director can make or break the success of the business, revitalising and empowering the entire business’s profits and success. It is an important role to ensure you have the best talent in. There isn’t room for getting it wrong. How can you ensure that you find a financial director that is […]
July 5, 2021

What Are Non Executive Roles?

Non executive roles typically apply to non executive directors (NEDs). Executive roles are those centring on the everyday tasks of running a business. In short, non executive roles in senior leadership are those which take an advisory, or oversight, approach. They aren’t involved in the day to day running of the business, but their value and contribution is important nonetheless. The Cadbury Report was a wide-reaching report into the establishment and nature of companies, entitled Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance. It says that non-executive directors “should bring an independent judgment to bear on issues of strategy, performance and resources including key appointments and standards of conduct.” Non-executive roles v executive roles Before diving more deeply into this topic, it’s important to point out that in UK law there is no actual legal distinction between executive directors and non-executive directors. In reality, however, we typically view non-executive directors as being a little more on the fringe of the company – an outsider able to look in with greater objective insight because they aren’t tied up in the everyday tasks of running the business. This is an incredibly valuable position because they can offer a perspective which is often impossible to gain […]