Every time we go to a Client meeting where we are pitching for the mandate it is always in the back of our minds that we are actually being interviewed. Should we be successful in being awarded the assignment then we will have to represent your company as if we actually had a permanent employment contract with you – or, at least, that is how we view it.
Once the process is under way, we will be talking to and meeting a myriad of people within your industry who will all know that you, the client, has contracted us to carry out the task. Act or convey ourselves unprofessionally then your reputation will be tarnished. Therefore when you are selecting a recruitment partner it is always worth remembering the basics – who are the individuals in the recruitment company who are going to be undertaking the mandate? Do they have an intelligent grasp of the requirements and can they voice them in the correct manner? Are they presentable? Are they just after the fee or do they want to build a durable relationship? Will they be able to deal with objections in a subtle and professional way? Will they handle rejected candidates courteously? Do they fit in with your code of ethics and branding? Will they be easy to get along with? Will they take pride in representing your company and most importantly would you have them in your business?
These are all questions that need answering before selecting your recruitment partner. For a recruitment solution to work seamlessly and successfully the recruiter and the client need to understand that they are part of the same team looking to achieve the same goal. Work in unison as one business and the chances of a successful recruitment strategy are high.