Businesses in the US and Europe are warned to prepare for another freezing winter. Companies are advised to have contingency plans in place to deal with another prolonged spell of bitter weather and the disruptions that heavy snowfall brings with the forecast for another winter of record breaking cold.
In December 2010 bad weather in the UK cost the country an estimated £1 billion a day according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research with airports closed, trains and cars brought to a halt and the High Street shops abandoned. Similar disruption fell across mainland Europe and huge areas of the US. Preparation is called upon to ensure that this year’s forecasts don’t deal a blow for retailers and businesses, jeopardising the wider economic recovery.
James Madden the long range weather forecaster for Exacta weather who accurately forecast both the summer and winter weather for the last two years has predicted a 2011/2012 winter possibly worse than last year. His forecasts are based amongst others, on the effects of solar activity, La Nina and El Nino. He forecasts for North America and the Pacific Northwest region to experience a very severe winter. He quotes “our weather models are also showing an increased likelihood for major snow events in Northeastern and Midwestern parts of the US throughout December 2011 and January 2012, that could see severe blizzard conditions hit New York City and Chicago”.
As for the UK, he forecasts below average temperatures and heavy snow for all parts of the UK for December, January and February.