Let’s face it, the negative economy has had its impact on us since 2007 but has the media influenced us and stopped us from making sound business decisions? If the media keep sensationalizing the doom and gloom then few of us will ever take the risks needed for achieving growth and success for fear of what the media hint at what is round the corner. And guess what – if nobody grows then the media will have been right and who wants that!!!
With this in mind Eagle Headhunters has had to change their approach and make our business more approachable from a cost perspective. We find the top performers for businesses and naturally, due to our labour intensive methods, charge more than your average recruitment company. However we realise that in this economic climate we have to do our bit to help businesses and the economy and so now view flexibility in our terms as absolutely essential. We now offer each individual client a solution that addresses their cost sensitivities as well as maintaining our high level of service and expertise.
Being flexible and listening to our clients is what will help growth all round. Taking steps to grow is the only way businesses can survive in these tough times and we like to think that we can facilitate that business growth through our flexible approach.